
Archive for the ‘cold’ Category

Battle Day~ChaLEAN Extreme Day 10: Tuesday June 7, 2011.

Today must have been the day for battles. I hate to think that way, but wow. It was coming to me from all angles. Not only do I have this horrible cold, but I felt like the amazing race today. Same routine in the morning as normal, but I was planning on leaving work early to take care of some things and attend my daughters end of year party. I made it to the party a little late, but thank goodness I made it. (If you know kids, you know I would not have heard the end of it if I missed anything, but I heard it anyway…lol kids.) What an amazing event by the way.

I decided to leave my daughter in school, like a regular day in order for me to buy some time to get my workout done. Today was Day 10 (whoohooo only 80 more days to go) Burn Circuit 2 for ChaLEAN Extreme.

My take on the workout:

I feel like I am getting stronger, able to lift heavier weights. The actual weight exercises don’t get me, the cardio scheduled for tomorrow is what gets me. But wait, that is another day~can’t rush life right?. My back feels killer hurt doing Burn Circuit 2. Not sure what it is, but I make sure I DO NOT GIVE UP!. I keep pushing to finish the entire workout, even if I have to modify some of the moves. I make sure I remember what Chalene says, “When you know it is your last rep~don’t rush it.”

Battle time:

I have a horrible cold, did I mention that already?. Today I had a couple of questions for the rental complex I live at, as well as for my professor at the college I am currently attending. NOT COOL~Why is it a battle to get answers, like straight forward answers to straight forward questions. Communication is key and we are taught this in school, but when you try to communicate with people, you can not get a straight answer. On a more positive note-there is a reason and a lesson to everything.

I learned today that I am SERIOUS about this commitment to me. I still did my entire workout and even adding the stretching Recharge workout in as well. Blogging has really opened my eyes to be more accountable to me. (As I battle my eyelids to stay open and complete this sentence).

Thank you for reading~


Fat to Fit Body


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April 2024

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